Workplace safety

AES deeply recognizes that only when a safe environment that complies with Occupational Safety and Health Act can each staff concentrate on contributing their professions and values.
Therefore, we continue to ask staff, related operators, regularly assisted factory employees and mechanics to implement operational safety education according to Occupational Safety and Health Act to comply with all laws related to occupational safety and health, and to create a safe and comfortable workplace. In addition, we would undergo Environmental Risk Assessment regularly, exanimate the firefighting safety equipment based on the local regulations each year, and execute self-defense fire organization training on a 6-month basis to eliminate or reduce the harmful factors as possible.

According to the International Organization for Standardization, AES has passed the third-party certification and has retrieved ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 certificates. With the long-term goal of "zero safety and health accidents", we continue to maintain and build a safe and secure workplace.


Occupational Safety and Health Policy

1.Follow the regulations

2.Control the risk to safety & health

3.Improve continuously

4.Participate in Consultation

Occupational Safety and Health Committee

The AES occupational safety and health management department is responsible for planning, supervising, and promoting occupational safety and health businesses. The executive of each factory will be the chairperson of "safety committee", and appoints members of occupational safety and health management, the supervisors of each department, members of labor health service, and labor representatives according to the local regulations to constitute the safety committee. The committee members will regularly hold the meeting to discuss and improve the occupational safety and health policies, plans, and training

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

AES's operating branches follow local regulations and ISO 45001 Occupational Safety and Health Management to establish procedures and methods for hazard identification and risk assessment, which are used for annual regular and irregular (including but not limited to new processes, new chemical products, and so on) hazard identification and follow-up actions such as developing, tracking, and controlling. Hazard Identification ranges not only from physics, chemical, biology and human factors but to the new issues of occupational safety such as overwork, working for a long time, bullying, and sexual harassment. If the result of the risk assessment is unacceptable, the correction, improvement, and precaution will be adopted. The risk will be listed in a management plan to develop, track, and control in an active and effective way till it could be reduced to a manageable level.

Accident Prevention, Investigation, and Report

In order to effectively prevent occupational accidents and occupational disease, AES's operating branches follow local regulations and ISO 45001 Occupational Safety and Health Management to establish accident prevention, investigation, report, corrective actions for non-conformances, and preventive measures for investigating, reviewing, correcting, and preventing the near-miss reporting, work accidents, and traffic accidents. AES actively implements occupational safety and health policies.
According to the "Occupational Safety and Health Act" of the Republic of China, the company's employees, subcontractors, and contractors may stop their work and evacuate when an emergency occurs, which might directly endanger personal safety. No punishment shall be imposed for this.
AES occupational safety and health management department investigates any accidents and comes up with an improvement plan, so as to eliminate the occupational accidents from the beginning. And, in 2022, there are no occupational accidents in AES's global operating branches。

Safety and Health Training

AES complies with the local regulations and articles of incorporation, continuously implements occupational safety and health training, develops occupational safety and health culture, establishes a comprehensive employee safety and health training strategy, and provides employees with the necessary safety and health training for job and disaster prevention. Hopefully, the pre-education and knowledge will achieve the purpose of prevention, strengthen the company's occupational safety and health, and lower the probability of hazards.

2022 Occupational Safety and Health Training Course

Occupational Safety and Health Education System

  • New employees: Receive general education in occupational safety and health before entering the workplace
  • Safety and health training for on-the-job employees: Strengthen the training and disseminate related occupational safety and health education
  • Professional certificate training: Employees engaged in special operations must undergo professional training, obtain certificates, and wear personal protective equipment during the process.
  • Management system training: Implement the PCDA cycle through the training, and build a complete and systematic safety and health management.

Workplace Health

In order to promote workplace health, the company has established internal channels of communication, such as E-mail and physical mail, to ensure a friendly workplace and employee rights; besides, the company engages medical contractors to promote healthcare business each month including healthcare, employee assistance, health promotion, and early warning of the occupational disease; meanwhile, we offer yearly health check and regular first aid training which are even better than the regulations; there are also breastfeeding rooms and AED inside the factory.

Health Care

AES promotes a comprehensive healthcare plan, and each month, the medical contractors are in charge of promoting the healthcare business to assist the employees, promote health, and early warning of the occupational disease; besides, we offer yearly health checks and regular first aid training which are even better than the regulations; there are also breastfeeding rooms and AED inside the factory.

AES Healthcare Service

  • Health check:Health check for the new and senior staff / Particular operation check.
  • Health Promotion:Health information sharing/ Health lectures/ Fitness competitions/ Sports environment/ Promotion of sports clubs.
  • Health management: Tracking of abnormal health examination reports/ Care for medium and high-risk staff members/ Maternal health protection plan/ On-site doctor consultation service.

Health Promotion

In order to raise staff’s awareness of health, AES promotes many kinds of health activities.

Health Activities Promotion

  • Health Information Sharing
    -AES provides health information on the company’s website irregularly, such as influenza, novel influenza A, and dizziness.
  • Maternal Health Protection Plan
    -Set breastfeeding rooms in the company and provide health protection and care services for postpartum female workers.
  • Occupational Disease Prevention
    - Via the annual health check and the monitoring results of the special hazardous working environment, the company understands the health status of the staff, provides appropriate personal protective equipment, manages health checks at different levels, and arranges a consultation with doctors to actively prevent occupational diseases.
    -There is no occupational disease in 2022.
  • Health Consultation
    - AES employs legally qualified medical personnel to handle labor health services. In 2022, there were 104 sessions in total. It adopts one-on-one health consultation so that the employees can consult during working hours and unserstand their health conditions to meet the purpose of “Early detection, early treatment”.

Sexual Harassment Complaints Mechanism

To maintain gender equality in employment and personal dignity, and to protect employees and jobseekers from sexual harassment, AES disclosed “Regulations for Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment”. We take proper measures to prevent, correct, punish, deal with, and safeguard the privacy of the people who are involved. We also provide channels for complaints, and establish prevention and coping mechanisms before and after the harassment to protect the rights and interests of employees. If sexual harassment is found to be true after investigation, the person who is complained will be punished or dealt with appropriate disciplinary actions depending on the severity of the offense. If the party needs counseling or medical treatment, the company will also introduce professional consultants or medical institutions to help. AES conducts prevention education of sexual assault, sexual harassment and grievances policy during the orientation. The relevant information is also updated on the AES internal website. In 2022, no formal sexual harassment complaint is filed