AES has a human rights policy and publicly discloses it to stakeholders. At the same time, the company's important values, principles, standards and rules are clearly stated in the "Work Rules", "Integrity Business Code", "Integrity Business Operation Procedures and Conduct Guidelines" and "Code of Ethical Conduct". The human rights policy and related information are used to promote relevant laws and regulations to colleagues through pre-employment training for new employees, E-learning online courses, and internal training of each department. The company provides a communication mechanism. Every employee can learn about the company's latest developments through the internal E-portal platform bulletin board. Combining online satisfaction questionnaires, physical mailboxes, emails, official line@ accounts, etc., feedback can be real-time and continuous. Strengthening employee communication mechanisms to protect colleagues’ rights in the workplace and life. No human rights violations such as discrimination, child labor, forced or compulsory labor occurred in 2023.

Human Rights Policy

AES is a subsidiary of Simplo Technology Group. Simplo Technology Group respects and is committed to implementing international human rights based on “protection, respect, and remedy. Simplo Technology Group supports and complies with the principles and spirits of related international regulations such as the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” the “United Nations Global Compact,” the “International Labor Organization Tripartite Declaration of Principles,” the “Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct,” and the “OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,” as well as the local laws and regulations of various countries. Simplo Technology Group has established the “Human Right Policy Statement of Simplo Technology Co., Ltd. and Group Affiliates” for common compliance, in order to eliminate any violation and infringement of human rights, so that the rights and interests of stakeholders are protected. The Company promotes compliance with human rights policies and related regulations to colleagues through pre-employment training for new employees and E-learning online courses.



Prohibiting forced labor and child labor

Eliminate various forms of forced labor and respect the freedom of employees; no compulsory employment, exploitation of labor or employment of involuntary labor. All employees work voluntarily and are entitled to the right to resign or terminate employment at will, while no child labor may be used at any stage of production.

Prohibiting all forms of discrimination

Implement diversity of the work place. No differentiated treatment or any form of discrimination based on race, social status, nationality, class, language, ideology, religion, political affiliation, origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, appearance, face, disability, or past union membership.

Establishing a fair and reasonable remuneration system

Salaries compliant with all laws and regulations are paid to employees, without difference due to gender or sexual orientation; those with the same job or value shall be paid the same salary. However, this does not apply to deviations based on differences of the salary payment system, seniority, reward and punishment, performance, or other justified reasons other than gender or sexual orientation.

Providing a safe and healthy working environment

Compliance with relevant regulations to continuously improve the safety and hygiene of the work environment, prevent accidents, reduce the risk of occupational disasters, ensure the safety of workers and promote their physical and mental health.

Building a stable labor-management harmonious relationship

To coordinate and harmonize labor-management relations, enhance mutual understanding, promote cooperation between labor and management, and improve work efficiency, labor-management communication meetings are held regularly pursuant to the requirements of relevant labor laws and regulations of the local government to communicate opinions and negotiate with each other to solve problems. Where any misconduct or violation of relevant laws and regulations occurs, grievances or reports may be made through smooth communication channels, and immediate remedial measures may be taken if human rights are violated.

Human Rights Risk Assessment and Management

Trend Power (Changshu) conducts third-party certification agency audits by following the RBA Validated Audit Process (VAP) to identify the risks related to labor, health and safety, environment, ethical and management system in operations, including the implementation of management mechanisms and its performance. In order to let employees understand the content of "Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)", the company recorded E-learning courses in 2023, and trained current colleagues of Trend Power and Trend Energy, and listed this course as a compulsory course for new employees. Trend Power (Changshu) also conducted CSR training courses with a total of 1,006 trainees, representing 97% of the total training hours and 672 hours.

External Human Rights Audit in 2023

Site Audit Audit type Results
Trend Power (Changshu) Customer audit: 2 times On-site & remote Passed, no major defects
Internal audit: 2 times On-site Passed, no major defects

Human Rights Protection and Grievance Mechanism

AES has an exclusive grievance channels for human rights protection and publicly discloses it on internal and external websites, and implements it in daily work and induction training for new employees. AES clearly stipulates and publicly discloses the "Measures to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Punishment Measures for Grievances " to maintain work equality for both genders and human dignity, and to protect employees and job applicants from sexual harassment.